Date Time: December 6, 2015 0500-0700hrs AT
Weather: Frosty -5C, clear with no wind.
Equipment: Tripod mounted 20x80 binoculars, Canadian Telescopes 80 ed/apo with Rigel red circle finder and 2" 32mm eyepiece, a DSLR camera adapter all mounted on a Vixen Alt Az Mount. Canon Rebel Xsi DSLR camera.
Attendance: Myself
Objective: To locate and image Comet Catalina which was suppose to be located in Virgo, next to Venus on this morning, before first light.
- Found the comet after a brief search very close to where it was reported to be on
- Comet showed up as a faint gray fuzzball with a hint of tail in binos and in eyepiece of telescope.
- Lots to look at: Venus, the Moon, Mars and Spica were close together, low in the East. Jupiter was high overhead to the SE.
- The Moon viewed very nicely in telescope with Earthshine illuminating Mare Chrism on the darken part of the Moon! Many craters seen near terminator. Atmosphere appeared very still in eyepiece when observing Moon.
- Three of Jupiter's moons could be seen in eyepiece, but after processing image, it could be seen that two of the moons were very close to one another.
- Mars disk is getting larger now that the Earth is catching it as we circle the Sun. We will be much closer to Mars next spring.
- Orion was observed low in the West during observing time.
- No Satellites or shooting stars were seen.
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