Location: Prince of Wales, NB, Canada
Date time: Aug 30, 2024 2050-2200hrs
Weather: Clear, warm, lots of dew, some mosquitoes, blackflies and fireflies. Temps stayed around 15C, 82% humidity and no wind.
Equipment: Canadian telescopes 80 ed/apo with Canon rebel attached. Also with 19mm eyepiece. Images processed on PhotoShop.
Objective: To view and image Comet 13P Olbers which was reported to be 7.9 magnitude, low in the western sky, to the north of Arcturus in Coma Berenices.
- Comet was nicely placed for observing and imaging. Total darkness not until after 2130.
- Comet was very dim, about the same as nearby Globular Cluster M53 which is thought to be about Mag 8.33. Visually, using 19mm eyepiece, comet showed up as a faint grayish blob with a pin prick starlike central region.
- Also imaged Arcturus and M3(bright Globular Cluster Mag 6.3), plus two objects closer to the comet, M53 & M64(Black Eye Galaxy magnitude 9.36). Viewed these two nearby objects for magnitude comparison and found M53 to be near identical in brightness. M64 was too faint to pick out in eyepiece.
- All images are 30s, ISO 1600.
- Fireflies started about 2125 for about 10 mins. I thought they were shooting stars initially. Many satellites were seen.
Arcturus, Greek for "keeper or guardian of the bear", referring to nearby constellation Ursa Major. One of the brightest stars seen from Earth, |
Messier M3 is magnitude 6.2. Image taken shortly after 2100hrs during twilight. |
Comet 13P Olbers reported Mag 7.9 |
Messier M53 mag 8.33 |
Messier M64 mag 9.36 |
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