
Monday, August 5, 2019


Location:  Front yard and front deck, Little Lepreau, NB, Canada

Date Time:  August 4, 2019 2245-0300hrs

Weather:  No wind, clear, 11C/79% humidity @ 2300hrs, 7C/82% humidity @ 0300hrs.  Needed sweater, jacket and hat.  Some moths at first, then no bugs.

Attendance:  David McCashion

Equipment:  Canadian Telescopes 80 ED/APO with 19 mm eyepiece.  Canon Rebel T3 with 18-55mm eyepiece and using telescope at prime focus.   Images processed with DeepSkyStacker and Photoshop.

Objective:  To view and image deep sky objects along the Milkyway.


Viewed and imaged Jupiter, Saturn, M22, M16, The Coathanger, M71, M31 and the Perseus Double Cluster.  Also did a quick search for faint Comet C/2018 W2 Africano which is in Camelopardalis.  After reviewing processed image of that area of sky, could not confirm a sighting.

Twelve images stacked, 40 second, ISO 6400.

Ten images stacked, 40 second, ISO 6400.

Single shot, 20 second, ISO 6400

Observed many satellites, six Perseids and 3 sporadic, with two Perseids being very bright, one leaving a smoke trail.  Most meteors were seen coming straight down from high over-head, to the south, and were fast movers. Some were very faint.  A few more fast moving very faint meteors were not confirm-able.

Looked for Auroras, which were reported to be possible on this night, but didn't observe any.

Taurus rising in the early morning.

A space station flyover image from Aug 2, 2019

Single shot, 8 second, ISO 400.

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