
Sunday, September 4, 2016


Location:  Front yard, Little Lepreau, NB, Canada

Date Time:  September 4, 2016 2145-2155hrs

Weather:  No wind, high see-through haze, 12C, humid, no bugs.  Temperature dropped down to 5C overnight.

Equipment:  Canon Rebel Xsi, with 75-300mm lens and tripod.

Attendance:  David McCashion

Objective:  To view and image Mars as it moves to the East of Scorpius and Saturn.


  • Viewing conditions were not good.  Even though the thin crescent moon had gone down long before observing time, a high thin cloud(which was there before dark) or moisture in the atmosphere affected seeing conditions.  Could only count three stars in Pegasus which means a limiting factor of Magnitude 3, which is not good.
  • Observed and imaged Mars Saturn and Antares low in the south western sky.  All notably not as bright as normal.
  • Observed and imaged Delphinus high in the SE, with Altair, Sagitta and The Coat Hanger nearby.
  • Observed and imaged a satellite passing above the Perseus Double Cluster.
  • No shooting stars and two satellites were seen.

Image taken at 2146 hrs.  Camera settings ISO 1600, focal length 75 mm, f/4, 6 seconds.

Facing NE just under Cassiopeia. Image taken at 2152 hrs. Camera settings ISO 1600, focal length 75mm, f/4, 6 seconds.

Sagitta the arrow.  Image taken at 2149 hrs.  Camera settings ISO 1600, focal length 75mm, f/4, 6 seconds.
Delphinus the dolphin.  Image taken at 2147 hrs.  Camera settings ISO 1600, focal length 75mm, f/4, 6 seconds.

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