Date Time: May 31, 2016 2240-2345hrs
Weather: Hazy, partly cloudy, 10C, no wind to light breeze. Large cloud bank on the SW horizon. Many periods where clouds blocked viewing. Lots of June Bugs buzzing around, otherwise very comfortable night to observe.
Attendance: Myself
Equipment: Meade LX 200 8" Telescope, with 32mm and 19mm eyepieces. Canon Rebel Xsi with telescope attachment. Nexus 4 cellphone camera with Ioptron cellphone adapter with a 15mm built in eyepiece.
Objective: To view and image Mars and Jupiter. Mars and Earth are very close in their respective orbits at this time. On May 30 they were closest. Jupiter was going to have a shadow transit of Europa at 2234hrs.
- Missed Jupiter's shadow transit, but did note how close three of the moons were to Jupiter at 2245hrs. Clouds kept passing over Jupiter's area of the sky, covering it for long periods. Many images of Jupiter were taken, when possible. Two cloud belts could be seen on giant planets disk.
- Viewed and imaged Mars. In eyepiece a light patch could be seen on the edge of the disk, possibly a polar cap. Disk is huge compared with this time last year, where it looked more like a star.
- Tried to view and image Saturn, but clouds covered sky around 2350hrs. Did see rings clearly before clouds moved in. Forecast called for overnight showers.
- No shooting stars or satellites were observed.
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