Date Time: January 2, 2016 0530-0620hrs
Weather: Mostly clear, no wind and a very cool -4C
Equipment: Canadian Telescopes 80 ED/APO on an alt/az Vixen Mount. Adapter for Canon Rebel Xsi. 19mm eyepiece.
Attendence: Myself
Objective: To view and image Comet Catalina C/2013 US10 which was reported to be above Arcturus according to
- The comet was easily located above Arturus in the viewscreen of the camera as it was attached to telescope. Showed up as a faint fuzzy patch. Images were taken that clearly showed the Comet to have a greenish hew with a bright center.
- At around 0600hrs, a very bright Venus popped over the trees in the SE. Images were taken. It was clearly in the Gibbous phase.
- A nearly half Moon was high in the South at the time and wasnt bright enough to wash out Comet. Images of Moon were taken.
- After imaging, a 19mm eyepiece was inserted and the Comet was observed. It showed up as a fuzzy slightly greenish, large fuzzball with a bright center. With averted vision, a very faint, wide tail might have been seen going in the 3'oclock direction from the center.
- No Shooting stars and one satelite was seen as I was viewing the comet in the eyepiece.
Unprocessed image of Comet. |
Processed image shows a faint fan tail going to the right. |
Image of Orion Nebula taken evening before, just before clouds moved in. |
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