
Monday, September 13, 2010

Scientific Method

These are the steps to follow for the Scientific Method(from

1. Ask a Question
2. Do Background Research
3. Construct a Hypothesis
4. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
5. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
6. Communicate Your Results

You don't have to be a Professional Scientist to observe what you see around you from day to day. In fact, that is what pure science is, in my opinion, observing your surroundings and questioning what you don't understand and then attempting to find the answer.

It is very easy, and, in fact, tempting to observe something in nature (bending trees, strange weather, celestial activity, etc, etc...) and jump to a grandiose conclusion. This is what sets a good scientist apart. He or she will question and record the observation, then perform the Scientific Method.

Many times in my own observations, I want to jump to a conclusion, just to solve the puzzle fast. It takes a concerted effort to not accept the fast conclusion and to do research into the issue at hand to be more sure of a correct answer.

This is the nice thing about being a Citizen Scientist, there are Professional Scientists and many years of research available on the Internet, the library or in the case of a scientist, a phone call to your local university.

This can be an inexpensive, educating and fun way to pass your extra time.

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