Date Time: December 6, 2018 1730-2200 hrs
Weather: Mostly clear, no wind, temps dropped from -5C to -10C during observing time.
Attendance: David McCashion
Equipment: Canadian Telescopes 80 ED/APO with 32mm eyepiece, motorized mount, 20x80 binoculars, Canon Rebel Xsi with 18-55mm lens and attached to telescope at prime focus. Images processed with PhotoShop.
Objective: To view and image Comet Wirtanen 46P which has been reported to be in the faint constellation Eridanus.
- Clouds threatened all day, right up to about a half hour after dark. Finally, the clouds cleared, and the Moonless evening was very dark and clear. Today is New Moon.
- Searched for a long time with telescope and binoculars to the east of where the comet was located. Comet was in an area of sky where there aren't many bright stars, which makes the non naked eye comets harder to find.
- Found the Comet to be huge in the eyepiece, very diffuse and greenish with no tail.
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- Comet was most impressive in the binoculars. Absolutely massive. Full Moon size.
- Could not see Comet with unaided eye, even with averted vision. It was next to an unnamed, faint(barely visible with unaided eye) star in the large, faint constellation Eridanus.
- Three shooting stars were seen, in quick succession, during beginning of observing session. No satellites were seen.
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