Location: Lower westside for Conjunction & Dominion Park for Quadrantids, Saint John, NB, Canada
Date Time: January 3, 2025 1835-1845hrs & 2232-2305hrs
Weather: Windy, 25kph gusting winds, mostly cloudy, -2.8C, 81% humidity, wind-chill -9C according to local weather station.
Equipment: Canon Rebel with 75-300mm lens. Images processed on PhotoShop
Objective: To view and image a close conjunction between a thin waxing crescent Moon and Venus with a reported separation of 1.4 degrees. Ed reported seeing the conjunction through the clouds shortly after 1800hrs from his place.
Also, to Dominion Park to look for Quadrantids Meteor Shower that were supposed to peak on Jan 3rd in early morning hours. On this am we were clouded out in SJ, so an evening observing was the only thing possible.
- Fairly high at 1840hrs in the western sky, thankfully through a break in the mostly cloudy skies. No Quadrantids observed.
- Ed and I went to Dominion Park and began observing the sky at 1032pm. Ed reported seeing one Quadrantid at at around 10:35 PM, but I did not see it. I did not observe any meteors at the park or around Saint John either. In total, for myself about 45 minutes of observing without any sightings. Ed saw one. There were strong northerly winds all evening and it was very cold!