Date Time: August 21, 2017 1500-1700hrs.
Weather: Breezy, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, 25C.
Equipment: Canadian Telescopes 80 ED/APO attached to a Vixen Alt/Az mount, 12mm eyepiece, Cellphone adapter and a Samsung Nexus 5 cellphone camera.
Attendance: Six people who happened to be in the area at the time and myself.
Objective: To view and image the partial solar eclipse which was happening on this day from approx 1400-1700hrs.
- A truly amazing sight in the eye piece, with many sunspots across the face of the Sun. Interesting how the Moon and the Sun are almost exactly the same size, from our viewpoint, in the sky.
- Six passerby's came over to view the eclipse through the telescope. All were very impressed. One man said, amazed, "The old lady ain't going to believe this!"
Images and Videos: