
Friday, May 20, 2011

Spotted Garden Slug Close-up

There are many spotted garden slugs around the Saint John area right now. This one was picked up in Saint John, NB on May 19, 2011 in a shaded area.

Interesting notes: a)Hole on right side of fatty area behind head would open up like a breathing hole and then close off again quickly. b)The eyes on the end of the antenas were noticable. c)This snail would move quickly with no observable means. The body did not slither like a snake and it does not appear to have legs...d)"Slugs and snails are not insects but mollusks; they are related to clams and oysters."

Mars Rover(Lego Mockup) and Planasphere at KSS

Shuttle Replacement Orion at KSS

Close-up of Shuttle Explorer at Kennedy Space Station

Spacesuites at Kennedy Space Station

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Kennedy Space Station Tour Images

Location: Port Canaveral, FL

Date/Time: May 4, 2011 1145-1600hrs local time

Weather: 93 degrees Fahrenheit, humid, 20 knot winds from the north few clouds but hazy.

Attendence: Brandon, Jason, Myself.

Subject: Apollo 14 Capsule and Saturn V(largest rocket in the world, also this is the rocket that sent men to the Moon).

Kennedy Space Station Tour Images

Location: Port Canaveral, FL

Date/Time: May 4, 2011 1145-1600hrs local time

Weather: 93 degrees Fahrenheit, humid, 20 knot winds from the north few clouds but hazy.

Attendance: Brandon, Jason, Myself.

Subject: Shuttle Endeavour launch site.

Observing Report

Location: Prince of Wales, NB

Date/Time: April 15, 2011 2225hrs-0155hrs

Weather: 1 degree Celsius, low haze, no clouds, very light wind.

Attendance: Mike, Peter, Chris, Dave, Unknown, Carla, Myself.

Equipment: Mike-Refractor with go to mount
Chris-CPC with goto mount
Dave-Reflector with goto mount
Myself-20x80 Binos and mounted DSLR camera

Report: The Moon was 94% full and very bright. Bright enough to put solid shadows on the ground after midnight and this greatly affected all the images taken.

Celestial objects observed:
Through Binos: Saturn, its rings and one moon (Titan). The Moon was almost too bright to look at. Manny craters and features resolved very nicely, especially near the terminator and Tyco. Other, fainter objects were extremely hard to find with the Moon being so bright.
Through Chris’s' CPC: Saturn, its rings clearly resolved and 5 moons(most I’ve seen through a telescope), M57 (The Ring Nebula) could be seen with averted vision(looked like a fuzzy donut hanging in space-amazing to see!)
Through Mikes' Refractor: M13 AKA The Great Cluster In Hercules looked like a faint, very small shotgun birdshot blast in space. Open cluster M67 which looked like a loose collection of close stars. M44 Beehive Cluster which is a much heavier collection of stars that appeared faint on this night due to the brightness of the Moon.

Observing Images

Location: Prince of Wales, NB

Date/Time: April 15,2011 2225hrs-2245hrs

From the Top: Almost Full Moon halfway up in the sky to the south, Orion's Belt just over the western horizon, Big Dipper almost straight up to the north, and Cassiopeia low in the north.

Images taken with a Cannon Rebel DSLR ISO 1600 25sec exposure.


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