Location: Lower westside Saint John, NB, Canada
Date Time: December 28, 2024 0620-0700hrs
Weather: No wind, partly cloudy, very hazy, very cold -6.2C, 96% humidity, wind-chill.
Equipment: Canon Rebel with 75-300mm lens. Images processed on PhotoShop.
Objective: To view and image a thin, waning crescent Moon which was due to rise this AM.
- When I first went out to look for the rising moon, I found it very low on the south eastern horizon, between buildings, near two stars. It was amazingly red, very thin, 7% illuminated according to heavens-above.com. There were also low clouds passing over it from time to time. The stars are Antares and another lesser Scorpius star (Al Niyat, I think) I also think that the Moon is located almost exactly where M4 is in the sky.