
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Moon in Scorpius

Location:  Lower westside Saint John, NB, Canada

Date Time:  December 28, 2024 0620-0700hrs

Weather:  No wind, partly cloudy, very hazy, very cold -6.2C, 96% humidity, wind-chill.

Equipment:  Canon Rebel with 75-300mm lens.  Images processed on PhotoShop.

Objective:  To view and image a thin, waning crescent Moon which was due to rise this AM.


  • When I first went out to look for the rising moon, I found it very low on the south eastern horizon, between buildings, near two stars.  It was amazingly red, very thin, 7% illuminated according to  There were also low clouds passing over it from time to time.  The stars are Antares and another lesser Scorpius star (Al Niyat, I think)  I also think that the Moon is located almost exactly where M4 is in the sky.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Moon/Mars Conjunction

Location:  Saint John, NB, Canada

Date Time:  December 18, 2024 0445- 0515hrs

Weather:  Slight breeze, clearing skies after a rainy day yesterday and through the night, Windchill, moon halo indicating weather, hazy in places, 1.8C & 99% humidity.

Equipment:  Canon Rebel with 75-300mm lens.  Image processed with PhotoShop.


  • While out walking my dog in the morning, I noticed that Mars was surprisingly close to a bright waning gibbous Moon.  It had rained through the night and was just starting to clear, but I could see Moon and Mars through the moving clouds.  Shortly after imaging, the huge moon halo dissipated.  Absolutely stunning in binoculars!
Imaged at 0507hrs.  f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/160 second, focal length 300mm

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Moon Venus Conjunction

Location:  Lower Westside, Saint John, NB, Canada

Date Time:  December 4, 2024 1705-1720

Weather:  Occasionally breezy, the western sky was soon covered by clouds from an approaching storm, observed just after capturing images. The temperature felt quite chilly at -2.2°C, with a wind chill of -5°C, although it seemed even colder than that.

Equipment:  Canon Rebel with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lens.  Images processed with PhotoShop.

Objective:  To observe and photograph the conjunction of Venus and a 14% illuminated waxing crescent Moon. I appreciate Ed notifying me about this event this morning! Unfortunately, bad weather has been looming.


  • Breezy weather from the north made imaging difficult.  It was a very pretty conjunction which showed up brightly even though there was plenty of light out during imaging.  Approximately 1 degree and 40 minutes separate them (equivalent to 5 moon widths).  Shortly after these images, dark clouds covered this part of the sky.
Clouds moving in, imaged at 1711hrs. I measure 5 Moon widths apart. 1/8 sec, f/5.0, ISO 100, focal length 205mm.

1/6sec, ISO 100, f/5.6, focal length 55mm

  • Two new cranes have been delivered to the port, and I had an excellent view of their unloading. These are the two new cranes along with the ship that brought them.


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