Location: Lower west-side Saint John, NB, Canada
Date Time: April 23, 2023 2305 -2325 hrs
Weather: Cool, slight breeze, hazy, 5C with reported windchill and humidity of 79%.
Equipment: Canon Rebel with 18-55mm and 75-300mm lenses
Objective: To view and image a potential northern lights display that Ed informed me about on Twitter.
- After receiving word from Ed about a potential northern lights display, I checked out the aurora oval on spaceweather.com and, sure enough, there was a "Severe Geomagnetic Storm" underway at approximately 2300hrs.
- Went out with camera about 5 minutes later and was disappointed in how hazy it was. Moon and Venus were spectacular, just over the Pulp and Paper Mill in the western sky, but most of the northern sky was hazy. I could, however, make out a faint green glow, that seemed to change in intensity. Recognizing this as the northern lights, I took images. Another local observer thought the display lasted for about an hour. It appeared to fade away after 2320hrs, so it looks like I captured the tail end of it.
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Venus, the moon, with some northern lights. Settings ISO 1600, 10 seconds. |
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Four, single shot images of the northern sky taken from 2311-2314 hrs. Settings ISO 1600, 10 second. |
- Took a close-up of the Crescent Moon which was only 16% illuminated.
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Single shot, ISO 1600, 1/250 second. |
- No shooting stars or satellites were seen